The Blues Brothers artist popular songs |
Here are all the popular songs by The Blues Brothers. Find all the song chart hits and other popular songs by The Blues Brothers. |
Popular Tune Timeline for The Blues Brothers
red # = rock chartblue # = pop chart |
1 | Bartender | Jan 1979 |
2 | Soul Man | 13 | Jan 1979 |
3 | Rubber Biscuit | Apr 1979 |
4 | Sweet Home Chicago | Jul 1980 |
5 | Gimme Some Lovin' | 9 | 16 | Jul 1980 |
6 | Jailhouse Rock | Jul 1980 |
7 | Think | Aug 1980 |
The Blues Brothers with Aretha Franklin |
8 | Peter Gunn Theme | Sep 1980 |
9 | Shake A Tail Feather | 1980 |
The Blues Brothers With Ray Charles |
10 | Who's Making Love | Jan 1981 |
11 | Going Back To Miami | Feb 1981 |
12 | Everybody Needs Somebody To Love | Apr 1990 |